Friday, September 26, 2014

Ubuntu v. Windows File Stucture

What Does That Even Mean?

The file structure of an operating system is how everything is arranged and organized. For example in Windows users are located at C:\Users\usernamehere where in Ubuntu users are located at /home/usernamehere or ~/. Here are a few key differences,

How Are They Different?

C:\ > /
C:\System32 and C:\Windows > /sys /etc /boot /var /etc /usr
C:\Users > /home
C:\Program Files > /bin /sbin

*Keep in mind these are not literal transitions as the operating systems are completely different.

How Are They The Same?

Really the only thing that is the same is the home folder. Your home folder in Linux and Mac and your User folder in Windows are all laid out the same way, especially so for Linux and Mac. That is where the similarities end because of how different Windows is from the rest of the operating systems.

That Doesn't Explain It To Me!

If you want in-depth knowledge on the directories, simply open up your Terminal and type

man hier

This pulls up the man pages discussing the file system hierarchy. This should tell you all you need to know about the Linux filesystem and how it is arranged.

*I credit runeh from reddit for showing this to me on my thread here,

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